The Cornerstone Centre now runs two groups for the parents and carers of little ones.

Play Trail (0-24m)

Mondays during Term Time

Session 1 : 9:45am – 11:00am

Session 2 : 11:15am – 12:30pm

The Play Trail is a small group for Parents/Carers to spend time with your baby discovering how to grow together so you both have the best start in your life together.
Parents and carers, you will make a real difference by listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing books and stories together.
Babies and children will become confident communicators and learners through play.

Little Pebbles Toddler Group 0-4’s

Wednesdays during Term Time

9:15am – 11:15am

A group for parents/ to come and meet others and play with their children.

Free play for your child to explore and also staff led activities for you to enjoy crafting, singing and listening to stories as a family. We also share healthy snacks for the kids (and cake for the parents) … lots of fun for you and your little ones.