Support Us
Click HereThere are many ways to support us from giving a one off or regular financial gifts, items for the Charity Shop or even your time!
The Cornerstone Centre is run by only 2 full – time and 2 part-time members of staff but over 40 volunteers who give their time and skills to make the centre as special as it is.
We have a huge range of volunteering opportunities, from working in the Cafe to helping with Homework Clubs, form working behind the scenes with admin tasks to working front of house welcoming people to the Cornerstone! Plus many many more!!
Give us a call on 01242 777 777 or email us to start a conversation about how we can work with you.
In return for your time and skills we will give you support, training opportunities, fun socials and hopefully a big smile on your face.
If you are able to give a lot, or a little, to the work of Cornerstone we will make every penny stretch a long way. We run on minimal staff and a huge amount of volunteers. This means when you donate to us we can make sure your money goes to the people of this community.
Make a one off donation here:
Or if you would like to set up a standing order for regular donations then use this form:
And if you are a UK Taxpayer and you are eligible to make your donation via GiftAid it means we can claim 25p more for every £1 donated.