Charity Shop

If you’re looking for a bargain look no further than our Charity Shop. It currently opens on a Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10-12pm. We have a wide selection of clothes and shoes for men, women and children. Each week we receive new donations which means each week you will find a new and exciting range of bargains.

Alongside our clothes and shoes our regular stock includes:

  • Brick-a-Brack
  • CD’s & DVD’s
  • Jewellery
  • Bedding
  • Towels
  • Furnishings
  • Games & Toys

A third of the income from the Charity Shop is put into a fund to support local people from Oakley who would benefit from a small grant. We receive requests to help clients from some of our partner organisations often The Neighbourhood Project and P3 charities. Previous grants have included money to help with utilities and help towards holiday costs for local people with disabilities.