Cafe Church

Cafe Church

Cafe Church Cafe Church is a relaxed environment where children, singles, families and beyond are welcome to meet together, discover more about the love of Jesus and share their thoughts and beliefs. All of this over a nice cup of coffee, a bacon butty and some...
Little Pebbles

Little Pebbles

Little pebbles is a stay and play group which runs from 9.15-11.15 on Wednesday morning for pre school children and their grow-ups. We have a free play for 45 minutes with toys for babies, toddlers, and young children. At 10.15 we stop for snack time (with coffee and...
Soup Lunch

Soup Lunch

Soup Lunch On Thursday lunchtimes, the café area is full of people waiting to enjoy freshly made soup. For £3.00 you will enjoy soup, bread, cheese and a piece of fruit followed by tea or coffee.  Each week we have a different team who prepare and serve your lunch and...
Community Coffee Morning

Community Coffee Morning

Community Coffee Morning On Tuesday mornings people gather in our coffee shop at 10am to meet friends and chat over fresh coffee and homemade cake. It’s a lively atmosphere where new friends are made; you can share news and talk about how Cheltenham Football Club is...
Prize Bingo

Prize Bingo

Prize Bingo On Friday’s the Centre is full of excited people hoping to win some prizes! People start gathering from midday to buy books and get their seats ready for the Bingo to begin at 12:30. Books cost £1.20 except on the last Friday of the month when they cost...